Sunday, April 13, 2008

What Do Warm Weather and Christine Have in Common???

They have both been missing... For MONTHS!!!! But as the next post shows... We are both back in full force. Well, at least for the weekend. I could make tons of excuses as to why I have neglected those of you who are our boys' fan club... But really, it came down to laziness. So there. I said it. Confession is good for the soul. But really, it has been a joyous few months. Matt took a two week journey to Israel, which was amazing. It was sponsored by a donor in the area who wanted to send 5 young pastors to Israel who had never been before, and through the blessings of God, Matt was one of those pastors. He went with a group of about 40 people, and had an amazing time. We are both so thankful for being gifted with that experience. I am proud of myself for surviving two weeks of his absence! But, honestly, I am such a sissy. I was blessed to have my best friend from Multnomah, Sheri come out for an entire week, and my mom came out for several days after that. I had a great time with both of them, and found myself being ever so thankful, once again, that we are closer to friends and family here on the mainland. I also completed my kitchen project of tearing down the old wallpaper, and painting. My kitchen now feels like a Tuscan Culinary Getaway. Okay, that might be a stretch, but I LOVE it. ;o) Below you will find pictures of what you really care about: The Boys! They are all doing so well. We are so blessed to have such beautiful, healthy boys. Caleb is growing leaps and bounds with his speech, and really, Noah and Jonah are, too! They are each so unique and wonderful. Thanks for waiting for me to get my act together and update you all! Hopefully it won't be so long between postings! Aloha...


Beth Twist said...

Welcome back! I was just thinking how I missed reading updates on your blog, and thought I'd check just in case... and there you were!