Friday, November 28, 2008

Eating, Urr... Making A Gingerbread House

Can I have a big Shout Out for Costco?!?!
Costco... You have the coolest Gingerbread House kits ever. And, it is cheaper than getting the stuff separately to make my own. Thanks for being a household tradition for three years now.
(Okay, I gotta say, though, that they are super gross to actually eat. But my guess is that regardless of the means of materials, if little kids are gumming on everything, licking hands, dipping back into candy, etc. it's gonna be gross to eat.) But you can't beat the fun. And to my boys, it's the perfect kick-off to the Christmas Season...

This years final Project
Noah, patiently placing each piece of candy. Then, he methodically took each piece off to eat it.

Jonah didn't get very far before he realized it was more fun to put in his mouth than on the cookie.
Gingerbread Making ~ 2008


Neuropoet said...

Looks like fun - sugar and Christmas go together so nicely! :) I love your new "header pic" at the top of your blog too!
